Blog 12/13/2020

This week has just started but I just finished the storyboard for the urinary system, I learned quite a bit from it, like how all the liquid we drink is not just excreted it is also recycled and used in our bloodstreams and used for other things, and only some of it is excreted. We are close to break and I’m very excited except I don’t get to see my family. But I think Alisha and I are finished with our project so I got the chance to work on my blog, we are missing a science class for music but we are working on presenting our projects.

Urinary System: Facts, Functions & Diseases | Live Science

Blog 12/2/2020

This week we were presenting our projects, I am doing liver cancer,  I haven’t presented yet but everyone’s done a great job so far. We started a partner project with the urinary system, I am with  Alisha and we are almost done with our visual and we just started our storyboard that. We have our character as Santa and on Wednesday  7th grade wasn’t with us for the first period so we went on a walk and played predator prey.

How big are kidneys?

Where do all the names of organs come from?

Can you ever drink to much water?