1/27/19 Toxic Algal Blooms

This week in science we did more work on 

Image result for toxic algal blooms picturesour Toxic algal blooms poster board and we typed up what we had on paper but heres something that i learned a how a Toxic algal bloom is formed, Toxic algal blooms are caused by a cyanobacteria  also known as blue green algae. They can produce hazardous toxins such as microcystins  a neurotoxin which destroys   nerve tissue in mammals.



Second week back from winter break and today in science class we bees wax wraps they are another way of using saran wrap and plastic and I learned a bit more about toxic algal blooms I learned how to prevent them BY NOT POLLUTING THE WATER PEOPLE and doing a zero waste life in P.E. we had a guest speaker and he said that his son started a program it costs 10$ a month and he collects peoples compost and uses it to grow plants. In french class we are supposed to do D.I.Y zero waste but I’m doing stuff about how stores can be better but one of the stores that i found is called in.gredients and they are a zero waste packaging store and you get more of a hands on experience and its super cool.Image result for in.gredients


This week is our first week back from winter break and Monday and Tuesday were snow days so we had a three day week and also this week we started our multi age unit and garbage program and in science we are learning about water pollution and we were split up into different groups and in my group we are learning about toxic algal blooms so far I’ve learned that they are very dangerous and can kill you.




why was plastic made?

If we band plastic what would happen?

what are the ingredients for plastic?