SCIENCE 2/2/20

This week in science were just introduced into a new unit (genetics) and we have also gotten introduced to what we are doing for the science expo. For genetics we are doing slide shows that are something that we chose to do in our group for example me and Caroline are doing animal cloning I have not gotten very far but the only pros that I have found from it are from livestock breeders otherwise i don’t think it is very good. For Thursday and Friday school got canceled. That is a little time taken away to work on our projects but thats ok.


How long are we doing genetics?

What is the most interesting fact that you know about genetics?

How Close are they to cloning humans?

Renaissance 1/12/20

These past few weeks have been kind of crazy because we had the renaissance unit and winter break. What we have been working on in science is we have been making solar systems and wanted posters on artists scientists poets. I did Francesco Petrarch I learned that he was one of the people who sparked the renaissance and he was known as the founder of humanism. He was a poet who wrote most of the greatest love poems in the renaissance.

how many people were alive during the renaissance?

what places did the renaissance take place in?

who actually started the renaissance?